The group website for USC's Geometry and Graphics Group. Come here for our latest publications, and more!


We study interesting research problems at the intersection of geometry and computer graphics. Our methods include classical geometry processing, numerical mathematics, and machine learning. We are always in search of the next interesting mathematical problem that helps us explain the shapes of the world around us.

You can find a list of members of our growing team here. The list of our most recent publications can be found here.

Take a look at our library of 3D meshes with minimal licensing requirements that you can use for research, art, or anything else. Feel free to contribute to it as well!


  • Jul 2024: Our research group will present three articles at SIGGRAPH 2023 in Denver.
  • Jun 2024: Oded has given a Python tutorial for geometry processing at SGP 2024.
  • Dec 2023: Our research group will present four articles at SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 in Sydney.
  • Aug 2023: Our first two PhD students, Pranav Jain and Dylan Rowe, have joined GGG!


Our research is generously supported by a gift from Adobe Inc.